Kālia Mobility Plaza Transportation Hub: Provide input at Ala Moana virtual meeting

The City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Transportation Services is evaluating alternatives for a transit center and mobility hub to improve transportation connections between TheBus, Handi-Van, biking, walking, and the future rail station at Ala Moana. 

Ala Moana and Kakaʻako neighborhoods are vibrant and continue to grow. Providing effective transportation is a necessary element to sustain these vibrant communities. The Kālia Mobility Plaza at Ala Moana is envisioned as a multimodal mobility hub that improves access to public transportation, improves circulation for multiple modes (pedestrians, transit passengers, and bicycles), improves existing and future bus operations, increases safety, furthers transportation equity, and supports mixed-use development. Kālia Mobility Plaza will be a community-focused place for people.

The City seeks input from those who live, work, play, and travel in and through Ala Moana neighborhoods or are interested in helping to improve the City’s transportation system. An online Community Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 29, 2021, from 6 to 8 p.m. Those wishing to participate may register at https://www.honolulu.gov/completestreets/kalia.

Comments and questions can be sent via email to completestreets@honolulu.gov.

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